Increase Your Social Impact with Values Driven Generosity

Caucasian couple hold hands on a bench, smiling and looking off into the distance on a fall or spring day.

Unlike some financial decisions, giving to charity has always been deeply rooted in personal values. You support organizations that impact the people and places you care about, from wildlife protection to education to international relief and many causes in between. With more than 86,000 registered charities in Canada, generous people have a lot of opportunity…

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Giving in Retirement

Senior couple smiling and holding dog

Retirement. At twenty, we rarely think about it. At 45, we dream about it. And, at 55 we worry about it. A significant amount of financial planning tends to focus on that time in life when, as the saying goes, we “finally stop working and start living.” But what about our charitable giving? When we…

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When giving requires sacrifice

grandson and grandfather planing sapling

Making money comes easily to Abundance Canada client Bob*. As a man of faith, he recognizes that with this canny ability comes the responsibility to manage his finances well. And part of that management involves giving generously to charity. Early in his life, Bob carefully examined his finances to determine how much his family needed…

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The Perfect Gift

The Perfect Gift

I am not good at buying gifts. Whether for birthdays, Christmas, or other events, I don’t seem to have that special knack for getting people just the right thing. I used to wander from store to store or sit at the computer shopping online hoping the right gift would show itself. But that rarely happened.…

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Why a Will?

Buying the farm. Kicking the bucket. Giving up the ghost. Given the number of colourful euphemisms we use to avoid straight talk about death, it’s no wonder people tend to put off writing their will. Many people assume they don’t need a will if their estate is small and their plans are straightforward. However, as my friend…

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Building A Charitable Legacy Using Life Insurance

As David and Anna settled into the rhythm of retired life, their thoughts turned to the future. They had always prioritized two things – family and charity. They knew there must be a way to support both with their estate but were not sure of the best options. They contacted Abundance Canada for help.  David and…

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Generosity Full Circle

“I still remember opening the door to that first house and seeing everything was laid out with all the amenities. We felt that warmth. We felt that love,” Vinh Huynh says, recalling the day his family first arrived in Birtle, Manitoba. It was 1979, and this homecoming marked the end of a harrowing journey from…

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Preparing Your Harvest of Generosity


With non-essential travel restricted this summer, my wife and I have rediscovered the joy of our own backyard. This is certainly a change of pace from the usual schedule of visits and activities, but it has given us a chance to relax, reconnect, and appreciate the fruit trees, shrubs and grape vines we’ve planted over…

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Reversal of Fortune

Ken and Colleen

As an engineering student at the University of Calgary, Abundance Canada client Ken Godard never expected one of the most valuable lessons he’d learn would be about generosity. “I was a young man putting myself through University and I didn’t qualify for any student loans,” he explains. A strict budget allowed him to cover his…

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