
We Believe Generosity Changes Everything™

You give because you’re passionate and because you want to make a difference. You give because you see others in need. At Abundance Canada, we understand that giving is an important part of your life.

We've been helping people give generously since 1974. From changing lives to making the dream of better communities a reality, our foundation has helped thousands of people support the causes they care about the most. And we know we can do the same for you.

Let us help you realize your philanthropic goals with a customized Generosity Plan™, so you can make an impact on the causes you care about, during your life and beyond. When we give, we are writing chapters of our own story; chapters that leave an indelible mark on the wider story of humanity.

Our Purpose:
Abundance Canada believes generosity changes everything. Generosity is transformational for the donor and recipient, and the world is a better place when people live generously. We offer customizable gift planning options to donors for greater charitable impact.

Our Values

Our values are shaped by a vision of generous living rooted in our story. These values guide our attitudes, decisions, and actions:

  • Our relationship with donors is a sacred trust.
  • We serve and act with integrity, professionalism, and confidentiality.
  • We commit to the work of justice, inclusion, diversity, and equity.

A Registered Foundation with Canada Revenue Agency

As a registered public foundation with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), we offer a professional and personalized gift planning service.

Abundance Canada is authorized to:

  • Receive charitable donations
  • Issue official charitable receipts
  • Distribute funds to registered charities** (**qualified donees)
Our impact: In 2023, we disbursed $50.90 million* to 2,066 charities on behalf of our clients.

*Note these numbers have not been audited. The Audited Financial Statements for the fiscal year ending January 31st, 2024 are available here.

With Abundance Canada, your generosity changes everything.

Abundance Canada is accredited by Imagine Canada for excellence in nonprofit accountability, transparency and governance.