Living Life Generously

girl gardening

Summertime, and the Giving is Easy

For many charities, summertime is one of the most difficult seasons of the year. Even...
student march

Engaging the Next Generation in Generosity

Last fall, Greta Thunberg gave a compelling call to action against climate change[1]. She was...
Avengers Endgame

What’s Your Endgame?

*Warning: possible Avengers Endgame spoilers* From the upcoming conclusion to the Skywalker saga to the...
Big family

Start Building Your Legacy Today

Within the charitable sector, there is an understanding that legacy is all about what you...
CGEP Spring 2019

CGEP The Benefits of Donating Securities

Originally published in Your Guide to Charitable Giving & Estate Planning© Spring 2019. Gift planning...
WP Cover 7.04

It Pays to Give

Originally published in Wealth Professional Canada. Issue 7.04, April 2019. An interview with gift planning...