Saving to Give

Henry Friesen

Savings jars have been around since ancient times, and even though e-transfers and banking apps might be more convenient, families all over the world still use them to teach children about money. Abundance Canada client Henry Friesen will never forget the lessons he learned from the savings jar that sat in his family’s kitchen cupboard.…

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Launch Your Generosity Today

Launch Your Generosity

Last weekend people from around the world live-streamed NASA’s launch of the SpaceX Crew Dragon, the first manned spaceflight to launch from North America in nearly a decade. The images of Mission Control and the launch site had me marveling at how much technology has changed since the Apollo missions. When someone mentioned Newton’s famous…

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Bridging the Generation Gap with Generosity (Part Two)

Father and Son

Link to Part One Five Opportunities to Engage the Next Generation in Giving While there’s no guarantee that our children and grandchildren will follow in our footsteps when it comes to philanthropy, evidence suggests that we have more influence in this area than they might let on. Knowing this, it makes sense to think strategically…

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Bridging the Generation Gap with Generosity (Part One)

Mom and daughter share music

Young pop singer Billie Eilish’s reaction to a comedy routine at the 92nd Oscars ceremony had a lot of people talking and tweeting about the generation gap last week. I must admit that until I saw the headlines analyzing her perplexed expression, I hadn’t even heard of Billie Eilish, but the whole thing got me…

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Camp: a catalyst for generosity

Teen volunteers

Summer’s Here – Now What? It is the first week of July. Most Canadian parents are aware that their kids have a lot of empty days ahead this summer. Parents want to make sure the break from school is not only restful, but constructive. I was the same. Many parents are grateful for the variety…

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Dollars and Sense

Mom and kids at computer.

Good manners tell us that we shouldn’t talk about money because it isn’t polite. At the same time, we are bombarded with constant conflicting messages. One second ‘money can’t buy happiness’ is on a billboard and the next says ‘buy this product and you’ll be happy’. Commercials encouraging us to give generously interrupt episodes of reality…

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Summertime, and the Giving is Easy

girl gardening

For many charities, summertime is one of the most difficult seasons of the year. Even though most of us have a bit more time off and there are no snowy roads to drive, giving tends to slow down when the weather heats up. This may be because donors are away, or their resources are being…

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Engaging the Next Generation in Generosity

student march

Last fall, Greta Thunberg gave a compelling call to action against climate change[1]. She was 16 years old at the time. Greta has Asperger’s Syndrome, OCD and Selective Mutism, which she explains as “only speaking when necessary.” Her frustration with the lack of action against climate change caused her to speak up. She recalls learning…

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