A Little Planning Goes a Long Way

Couple smiles at the camera from their kitchen.

Jack and Linda’s house was quiet now. After more than 25 years of family busyness, all of their children had moved out to start their own careers and families. This new phase of life brought the empty nesters time and space to reflect and reminisce. Retirement was on the horizon, and Jack and Linda were eager to avoid the…

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Leaving a Legacy: What Does This Look Like?

Grandma and teenage granddaughter sit on a couch in a sunny living room, smiling and looking at a photo album.

In the charity world, we talk a lot about legacy. But, what does legacy mean and what does it look like to leave one that is meaningful? Let’s take a closer look at this popular term and what it might look like for you. Legacy by Definition Legacy means different things depending on the context.…

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Establishing a Generous Legacy

Syed smiles at camera in suit

By any measure, Syed* had done very well in life. In addition to raising a happy family, he had established a number of successful private business ventures and invested well in real estate and the stock markets. He kept his feet on the ground by focussing on the gratitude he felt for his good fortune,…

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Who Will Benefit Most from Your Will: The CRA or Charity?

Canadians are one of the most generous people in the world. Donating our time and money to help others is part of who we are as a society. Compared to the regular donations you make throughout your lifetime, the decision to give a one-time gift to charity in your will can sometimes be fraught with…

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Tell Your Story with a Legacy Gift

In Part One, I shared the shocking statistic that a majority of Canadians do not have a current legal will. Sadly, many people avoid the task because they are afraid to think about the end of their life. However, taking a proactive approach to estate planning not only ensures your wishes can be followed but…

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Why a Will?

Buying the farm. Kicking the bucket. Giving up the ghost. Given the number of colourful euphemisms we use to avoid straight talk about death, it’s no wonder people tend to put off writing their will. Many people assume they don’t need a will if their estate is small and their plans are straightforward. However, as my friend…

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Finding Their Legacy Story

Legacy giving

Ten years into retirement, Dianne and Harold took the prudent step of reviewing their financial plans for the future. They met with their financial advisor who informed them that they had fully overcome the risk of outliving their money. Then, they met with me to review their Generosity Plan™ for charitable giving. They explained to…

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Where There’s A Will (Part Three)


In parts one and two of this series I looked at the startling fact that over half of all Canadian adults do not have a current legal will despite the significant consequences of dying intestate. Darlene is an exception to these statistics. Time to Reflect After retiring from a demanding and rewarding career in education,…

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Where There’s A Will (Part Two)

Cecil George Harris

In Part 1, I shared the cautionary tale of David, a client who for many years did not realize the potential consequences of not making a will. However, it is equally important, once you have a will, to keep it up to date. A Dramatic, Last-Minute Will Cecil George Harris became pinned under his tractor on…

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