When giving requires sacrifice

grandson and grandfather planing sapling

Making money comes easily to Abundance Canada client Bob*. As a man of faith, he recognizes that with this canny ability comes the responsibility to manage his finances well. And part of that management involves giving generously to charity. Early in his life, Bob carefully examined his finances to determine how much his family needed…

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Impacting Generations

Impacting Generations

The Konrads have demonstrated generosity since the beginning of their relationship, a value they both hold dear and learned from their parents. “When we got married, we knew that it didn’t take big money to make an impact,” Robert says, “We could have an impact just by giving our time and giving what we could.”…

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Dollars and Sense

Mom and kids at computer.

Good manners tell us that we shouldn’t talk about money because it isn’t polite. At the same time, we are bombarded with constant conflicting messages. One second ‘money can’t buy happiness’ is on a billboard and the next says ‘buy this product and you’ll be happy’. Commercials encouraging us to give generously interrupt episodes of reality…

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Building a Foundation in Financial Literacy

This week, children across the country are starting a new school year. Whether it is the first day of kindergarten or the last year of High School, every family approaches this new beginning with the sincere hope that these lessons are leading to a successful future. Financial literacy education, or the lack of it, continues…

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Being Intentional About Charitable Giving

Does your financial plan include giving? The question sounds almost like an oxymoron. After all, isn’t financial planning about accumulating money? Certainly, we want to support our families and protect against unforeseen expenses, but Canadians are also well-known for our generosity. We love to help others by giving our time, talent and resources. There is…

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Buried Treasure

Lately, I have had several conversations with people about downsizing or simplifying their estates. Some talk about rearranging their financial affairs to make life easier for their executors someday. Others face the physically and emotionally demanding task of moving from the homes they have lived in for many years to smaller, more manageable accommodations. Furniture,…

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