Giving as Protest

The word protest often evokes strong positive or negative emotions. Like it or not, we seem to be in a time marked by protests of one kind or another. Beyond giving as duty, the Bible offers us an array of metaphors for giving that can move us to live more generously. The story of the…

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The “Yes” Perspective

When I was a very young girl, I realized that the coloured papers in my mother’s purse could get you things. That was my introduction to money. Growing up, I remained fascinated by the intense influence money has on human behaviour.  The Bible has a lot to teach about our relationship with money. Adopting a…

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Gratitude Adjustment

Adapted from and inspired by Giving With a Pure Heart by Edwin Friesen I adore this time of year when the last harvest comes in from the garden and I can make apple cinnamon rolls, crabapple muffins, and pumpkin scones.  As I worked in my kitchen a couple weeks ago, I could just feel myself completely…

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Trusting Enough To Give

Inspired by the blog You will never have enough by Edwin Friesen Giving with Extra is Easy Recently, I had the opportunity to do some work that gave us a little extra money at the end of the month. That boost made it so easy to pay the blessing forward as a gift to charity.…

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The Gift of Joyful Giving

Hope in Dark Times The recent confluence of global political tensions, natural disasters, and everyday stresses has left no lack of things for people to worry about. Most recently, heartbreaking photos of the devastation from Hurricane Irma dominate my newsfeed. Yet, alongside these images of debris and submerged buildings are stories of ordinary people selflessly giving…

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Enough is Enough

This 2001 article by Old Testament Theologian Walter Brueggemann might be the best article I have read explaining the biblical intentions of God’s creation, the relationship people are to have with one another, and how that manifests itself in the use and sharing of resources. We have reprinted the entire article here. As Brueggemann articulates…

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Continuous Pruning

With the arrival of summer, my wife and I have been enjoying more time outside. Our yard has many different fruit trees, shrubs, and grape vines that provide shade, beauty, and a harvest of berries and fruits. Each year, I prune the old raspberry canes and the odd branches to keep the plants healthy and…

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Culture vs the Vision of Genesis

OUR CULTURE What are the “narratives” our culture would have us believe? That we are consumers – “I came, I stayed, I did a little shopping.” That we are self-made individuals who live by the motto, “Look out for numero uno.” That we are masters of our environment and we can exploit it for our…

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