What’s Your Endgame?

Avengers Endgame

*Warning: possible Avengers Endgame spoilers* From the upcoming conclusion to the Skywalker saga to the record-breaking Avengers series, pop-culture is awash in discussions about legacy. Fans who have followed characters they love for years are deeply invested in what the franchise finales will leave behind. But legacy is not restricted to heroes in a fantasy…

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Start Building Your Legacy Today

Big family

Within the charitable sector, there is an understanding that legacy is all about what you do with your money after you die. However, I think that definition can leave out an important part of the story. Legacy is more than just a gift from your estate – it is built up over a lifetime of…

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It Pays to Give

WP Cover 7.04

Originally published in Wealth Professional Canada. Issue 7.04, April 2019. An interview with gift planning consultants Sherri Grosz and Brad Friesen on donating publicly traded securities as a smart way to give to your charity of choice.

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Giving Out Loud

Father and daughter with ipad

You may not feel like it, but when you live generously, you are an influencer. Perhaps not a 2M YouTube viewers influencer, but your donations model your values, and people are watching: Co-workers, friends, family – not least of whom are children and young people. When they see you give to charity, and know that…

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Spring Forward Your Giving

Spring Clock

Despite our very snowy and cold weather of late, turning my clock forward on Saturday was a nice reminder that Spring is actually on the way. That means it’s almost time to tackle those jobs around the house I often put off. Cleaning out the garage. Painting the living room. Organizing the digital photos we’ve…

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Donating Securities to Charity

Blog Image

Why donate publicly traded securities to charity? Historically, donations to charities have been in the form of cash (cheque, e-transfer or credit card). However, as people discover the benefits of donating publicly traded securities (stocks, bonds or mutual funds), these in-kind gifts are gaining prominence as a tax effective way to donate versus cash gifts.…

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