
chestnut tree

Landscaping Your Generosity

The light streaming through a crack in the shades woke me earlier than I would...
Poloroids of influencers

Generosity Influencers

These days, it’s hard to buy anything without thinking about the influencer that probably sold...
Family celebrates joy of birthday

Rediscovering the Joy of Living Generously

Going Deeper Than Decluttering When I was a teenager, millionaire Malcom Forbes quipped “he who...
Couple with tablet

Lifestyles of the Kind and Generous

Opportunities for spontaneous generosity pop up all the time. Your doorbell rings and a canvasser...
Teen volunteers

Camp: a catalyst for generosity

Summer’s Here – Now What? It is the first week of July. Most Canadian parents...
Smiling older couple

I’ve Got No Strings

Building Healthy Relationships Between Donors and Charities No matter why a person gives to charity,...
girl gardening

Summertime, and the Giving is Easy

For many charities, summertime is one of the most difficult seasons of the year. Even...
student march

Engaging the Next Generation in Generosity

Last fall, Greta Thunberg gave a compelling call to action against climate change[1]. She was...
Big family

Start Building Your Legacy Today

Within the charitable sector, there is an understanding that legacy is all about what you...