Following my Father’s Plan
Laurie Ball feels a deep sense of responsibility towards charitable giving. Because of her father's...

Using Your Generosity Plan™ for Tax Efficient Giving
The recent surge in real estate prices has inspired many Canadians to put property on...

Impacting Generations
The Konrads have demonstrated generosity since the beginning of their relationship, a value they both...

Freedom to Take Your Time
From the time we are young, we are taught that decisions about money are not...

Donate Now, Disburse Later
Are you facing additional or unusual taxable income? Consider a Generosity Plan™ to help you...

A Business Option Worth Considering
Business succession planning provides the perfect opportunity to use strategic generosity to fulfill your charitable...

Worth the Effort: Donating Private Company Shares
Writing a cheque may be the most obvious way to give to charity, but if...