A Generous Dream Come True

Mature Couple

Edward and Felicity Jones’* life together had settled into a happy rhythm. Their day-to-day needs were simple, and thanks to sensible planning, their retirement income comfortably covered all the essentials. Many of their retired friends were seizing the opportunity to travel or purchase the car or home they had long dreamed of owning, but Edward…

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Give More with Gifts of Securities

Donating securities

Did you know cash donations aren’t the only way you can support your favourite charity? There might be a more tax effective way to give. Individual and corporations that donate publicly traded securities in-kind avoid paying the capital gains tax. Publicly traded securities are stocks, bonds, mutual funds and ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) listed on…

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Generosity Strategies for the Self-Employed

female business partners

Sisters and business partners, Janice and Jenn Nelson* run a small but thriving real-estate agency they built up over years of hard work. From the time they were young, they both valued giving to charity. However, being in the real-estate sector, their income was tied to the fluctuating market conditions, so they settled on giving…

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It Pays to Give

WP Cover 7.04

Originally published in Wealth Professional Canada. Issue 7.04, April 2019. An interview with gift planning consultants Sherri Grosz and Brad Friesen on donating publicly traded securities as a smart way to give to your charity of choice.

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Donating Securities to Charity

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Why donate publicly traded securities to charity? Historically, donations to charities have been in the form of cash (cheque, e-transfer or credit card). However, as people discover the benefits of donating publicly traded securities (stocks, bonds or mutual funds), these in-kind gifts are gaining prominence as a tax effective way to donate versus cash gifts.…

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