Grow your business

Grow your business by providing more donation options that fit the financial goals of your clients

As a professional advisor, you know the importance of planning to help your clients achieve their financial goals. And if your clients are generous to charities, incorporating that into their overall planning can have significant benefits.

That’s where Abundance Canada can work with you to create and implement a customized Generosity Plan™ to achieve your client’s charitable giving goals.

What is the Generosity Plan?

The Generosity Plan is an extremely flexible Donor Advised Fund (DAF). It’s like a pooled fund for charitable giving.

A range of assets can be donated to a DAF, such as publicly traded securities or private company shares in-kind, life insurance, cash, registered accounts, and gifts in a will.

What are the benefits for your advisory practice?

  • You retain your direct client relationships
  • Enhance the strength of your client relationships by offering a wider range of tax-efficiency solutions
    Remove the burden of managing individual family foundations for your clients
    Proactively respond to triggering events, such as the sale of a business or other significant milestone.

What are the benefits for your clients?

  • They receive a donation receipt for the fair market value of the securities on the day they initiate the gift-in-kind transfer
  • They recommend which charities would like to support, how much to donate, and over what time period to make the donations
  • They can choose to involve their children and other family members in their Generosity Plan, similar to a family foundation
  • Option to remain anonymous to the recipient charity

For nearly 50 years, Abundance Canada has helped individuals and businesses with significant and complex charitable gift planning.

Fill out this form and a Gift Planning Consultant will connect directly with you.

Let’s work together! Fill out this form and an Abundance Canada Gift Planning Consultant will contact you.

Let’s work together! Contact us today.