Your Generosity Plan™ is extremely flexible and can be modified at any time. Abundance Canada provides the day-to-day management of your Generosity Plan™. We take care of all the administrative details so that you can focus on the joy of achieving your philanthropic goals.
Investment Management Options
If your Generosity Plan has a long-term distribution strategy, we offer investment management options for undistributed donations in your Gifting Fund™.
The earnings from these investments are added to your Gifting Fund™ and are available to support the causes you care about. A gift planning consultant will be happy to explain this option to you in more detail.
Responsible Investing
Our investment management options are regularly reviewed using our responsible investment criteria.
An Alternative to a Private Foundation
A Generosity Plan at Abundance Canada is a great alternative to establishing and operating your own private foundation.
A Fun Solution for the Whole Family
Depending on your philanthropic goals and the Generosity Plan you design, you can invite your family to participate in creating a legacy of generosity similar to a family foundation.
They can support your Generosity Plan with new donations at any time and participate in making recommendations to the causes you want to support.
This is a great way to introduce your children and/or grandchildren to the joy of charitable giving and is a fun way for the whole family to practice generosity together.
Simplified Record Keeping
Your Generosity Plan allows you to manage all your philanthropy in one location, during your life, through your estate and beyond.
You will receive charitable receipts for all your donations and an annual statement showing all activity in your Generosity Plan during the past year. This will include new gifts that have been added, earnings from invested donations, and distributions to the causes you care about.
By consolidating all your charitable activity in your Generosity Plan, you no longer need to make donations to and receive charitable receipts from all the different causes you support. This makes your charitable giving easier and more efficient.
To learn more, contact us or call 1.800.772.3257 to speak with a gift planning consultant. All consultations are confidential, with no obligations.